Hi, we are Ostrovce and this is our
This site contains all the work I did over the years as game developer

Project i'm most proud of
Kingdom: Two Crowns
Worked as developer for 2 years
IP sold over 5 million copies
Implemented all aspects of gameplay
Implemented live services (analytics, cross platform play, cross platform saves)
Ported the game on various platforms (XBox, Play station, Nintendo Switch, IOS, Android, Steam, GoG, Epic)
Project that helped me lear the most
West of Dead
First experience as lead game developer
Implementation of networking layer
Optimization of the game
Brainstorming ideas for sequel

Most awarded game
Worked as consultant to help rewrite the code from HTML5 to Unity C#
Having Fun? Feel free to contact me or read my resume if u need a
"Anyone can cook but only the fearless can be great."
-Chef Gusteau, Ratatouille

My first big game jam project
Only one life
Most played game on itch.io for 2 weeks
Game created from start to finish in 48 hours

Game jam project Im most proud of
Coin flip hero
Most played game on itch.io
Made history in Croatia for being first game jam game that generated revenue
Created from start to finish in 48 hours